Tetris Wiki

This game has two custom rotation systems that are based on SRS/ARS (selectable) that allows most twists to be done, including T-spin triple. It also allows O-spin, I-spin tetris and diagonal slide (if left/right movement fails, it tries downleft/downright).

Link: hzzps://scrazch(dot)miz(dot)edu/projeczs/140137647/

The above-mentioned rotation systems are the Tetris Best rotation systems (there are 2).

Note: To help prevent spam, we have replaced . with (dot), as well as t with z. Simply replace (dot) with . and z with t.

Note: This game works best on Firefox (in Scratch 2.0), and turbo mode (shift+green flag). The performance also increases with a faster computer. Also, some users may be unfamiliar with this game because up arrow is hold, while in most games, up arrow is rotate.
